Guide e Tutorials

Configurazione Inverter INVT GD20

Configurazione inverter vettoriali INVT serie GD20-EU

INVT è un grande gruppo industriale, produttore di inverter e azionamenti brushless, la serie GD20-EU comprende inverter vettoriali di piccola taglia per usi generali con una gamma estesa, fino a 110KW.

La presenza del filtro EMC integrato dalla potenza 4kW (opzione plug in per le taglie fino a 2.2kW), il chopper di frenatura di serie, fino alla potenza 37kW inclusa lo rendono uno degli inverter più completi.

Impostazione parametri

In questa pagina riportiamo solo le indicazioni immediate per eseguire l'impostazione dei parametri, per informazioni complete si rimanda invece al manuale utente. L'inverter è dotato standard di una tastiera con display per l'accesso a tutti i parametri di configurazione, è disponibile anche una tastiera remota opzionale che racchiude anche la funzione di copia parametri.

Di seguito i passi per programmare i parametri da tastiera:

0    Menù principale.

1    Visualizzazione gruppo: Premendo il tasto [PRG/ESC] si visualizza il gruppo sul display.

2    Selezione gruppo: Con i tasti [Up] e [Dw] è possibile selezionare il gruppo. Con il tasto [PRG/ESC] si ritorna al menù principale (Passo 0).

3    Visualizzazione parametro: Premendo il tasto [DATA/ENT] si visualizza il gruppo ed il parametro sul display.

4    Selezione parametro: Con i tasti [Up] e [Dw] è possibile selezionare il parametro. Con il tasto [PRG/ESC] si ritorna alla selezione gruppo (Passo 2).

5    Valore parametro: Premendo il tasto [DATA/ENT] si visualizza il valore del parametro sul display.

6    Impostazione parametro: Se il valore è lampeggiante con i tasti [Up] e [Dw] è possibile impostarlo. Con il tasto [PRG/ESC] si ritorna alla selezione parametro (Passo 4) senza modificarne il valore.

7    Memorizzazione valore: Con  il tasto [DATA/ENT] si memorizza permanentemente il valore definito ritornando alla selezione parametro (Passo 4).

Di seguito riportiamo una tabella con tutti i parametri dell'inverter suddivisi per gruppi, per ogni parametro è indicato il valore di default.

Per impostare tutti i parametri dell'inverter a default, settare P00.18=1.

P00, Funzioni di base
P00.00 Speed control mode 2
P00.01 Run command channel 0
P00.02 Reserved 0
P00.03 Max output frequency 50.00
P00.04 Upper limit of running frequency 50.00
P00.05 Upper limit of running frequency 0.00
P00.06 A frequency command selection 2
P00.07 B frequency command selection 0
P00.08 B frequency command reference object 0
P00.09 Combination mode of the setting source 0: A
P00.10 Keypad set frequency 50.00
P00.11 Acc time 1 10.0
P00.12 Dec time 1 10.0
P00.13 Running direction selection 0
P00.14 Carrier frequency setting 8.0
P00.15 Motor parameter autotuning 0
P00.16 AVR function selection 1
P00.17 Reserved ****
P00.18 Function parameter restoration 0

P01, Start/Stop motore
P01.00 Start mode 0
P01.01 Starting frequency of direct start-up 0.50
P01.02 Hold time of the starting frequency 0.0
P01.03 Braking current before starting 0.0
P01.04 Braking time before starting 0.0
P01.05 Acc/dec mode selection 0
P01.06 Acc time of the starting section of S curve 0.1
P01.07 Dec time of the ending section of S curve 0.1
P01.08 Stop mode selection 0
P01.09 Starting frequency of DC braking 0.00
P01.10 Stop brake waiting time 0.0
P01.11 Stop DC brake current 0.0
P01.12 Stop DC brake time 0.0
P01.13 Deadzone time of FWD/REV rotation 0.0
P01.14 FWD/REV rotation switching mode 0
P01.15 Stop speed 0.50
P01.16 Stop speed detection mode 1
P01.17 Feedback speed detection time 5.0
P01.18 Power-on terminal running protection selection 0
P01.19 Action when running frequency is lower than the lower limit 0
P01.20 Wake up from sleep delay time 0.0
P01.21 Restart after power off 0
P01.22 The waiting time of restart after power off 1.0
P01.23 Start delay time 0.0
P01.24 Stop speed delay time 0.0
P01.25 0Hz output selection 0: No voltage output

P02, Configurazione motore
P02.00 Reserved ****
P02.01 Rated power of asynchronous motor 1 0.4
P02.02 Rated frequency of asynchronous motor 1 50.00
P02.03 Rated speed of asynchronous motor 1 1400
P02.04 Rated voltage of asynchronous motor 1 230
P02.05 Rated current of asynchronous motor 1 2.4
P02.06 Stator resistance of asynchronous motor 1 3349
P02.07 Rotor resistance of asynchronous motor 1 3659
P02.08 Leakage inductance of asynchronous motor 1 23.6
P02.09 Mutual inductance of asynchronous motor 1 209.3
P02.10 No-load current of asynchronous motor 1 2.0
P02.11 Magnetic saturation coefficient 1 of asynchronous motor 1 core 80.0
P02.12 Magnetic saturation coefficient 2 of asynchronous motor 1 core 68.0
P02.13 Magnetic saturation coefficient 3 of asynchronous motor 1 core 57.0
P02.14 Magnetic saturation coefficient 4 of asynchronous motor 1 core 40.0
P02.15 Reserved ****
P02.16 Reserved ****
P02.17 Reserved ****
P02.18 Reserved ****
P02.19 Reserved ****
P02.20 Reserved ****
P02.21 Reserved ****
P02.22 Reserved ****
P02.23 Reserved ****
P02.24 Reserved ****
P02.25 Reserved ****
P02.26 Overload protection selection of motor 1 2
P02.27 Overload protection coefficient of motor 1 100.0
P02.28 Reserved ****
P02.29 Reserved ****

P03, Controllo vettoriale
P03.00 Speed loop proportional gain 1 20.0
P03.01 Speed loop integral time 1 200
P03.02 Switching low point frequency 5.00
P03.03 Speed loop proportional gain 2 20.0
P03.04 Speed loop integral time 2 200
P03.05 Switching high point frequency 10.00
P03.06 Speed loop output filter 0
P03.07 Compensation coefficient of vector control slip (electromotion) 100
P03.08 Compensation coefficient of vector control slip (power generation) 100
P03.09 Current loop proportional coefficient P 1000
P03.10 Current loop integral coefficient I 1000
P03.11 Torque setting mode 0
P03.12 Keypad setting torque 50.0
P03.13 Torque reference filter time 100
P03.14 Setting source of forward rotation upper-limit frequency in torque control 0
P03.15 Setting source of reverse rotation upper-limit frequency in torque control 0
P03.16 Torque control forward rotation upper-limit frequency keypad limit value 50.00
P03.17 Torque control reverse rotation upper-limit frequency keypad limit value 50.00
P03.18 Upper-limit setting source of electromotion torque 0
P03.19 Upper-limit setting source of brake torque 0
P03.20 Electromotion torque upper-limit set by keypad 180.0
P03.21 Brake torque upper-limit set by keypad 180.0
P03.22 Flux-weakening coefficient in constant power zone 0.3
P03.23 Min flux-weakening point in constant power zone 20
P03.24 Max voltage limit 100.0
P03.25 Pre-exciting time 300
P03.26 Flux-weakening proportional gain 1200
P03.27 Speed display selection of vector control 0
P03.28 Reserved ****
P03.29 Reserved ****

P04, Controllo V/F
P04.00 V/F curve setting of motor 1 0
P04.01 Torque boost of motor 1 0.0
P04.02 Torque boost end of motor 1 20.0
P04.03 V/F frequency point 1 of motor 1 0.00
P04.04 V/F voltage point 1 of motor 1 0.0
P04.05 V/F frequency point 2 of motor 1 0.00
P04.06 V/F voltage point 2 of motor 1 0.0
P04.07 V/F frequency point 3 of motor 1 0.00
P04.08 V/F voltage point 3 of motor 1 0.0
P04.09 V/F slip compensation gain of motor 1 100.0
P04.10 Low frequency vibration control factor of motor 1 10
P04.11 High frequency vibration control factor of motor 1 10
P04.12 Vibration control threshold of motor 1 30.00
P04.13 Reserved ****
P04.14 Reserved ****
P04.15 Reserved ****
P04.16 Reserved ****
P04.17 Reserved ****
P04.18 Reserved ****
P04.19 Reserved ****
P04.20 Reserved ****
P04.21 Reserved ****
P04.22 Reserved ****
P04.23 Reserved ****
P04.24 Reserved ****
P04.25 Reserved ****
P04.26 Reserved ****
P04.27 Voltage Setting channel selection 0
P04.28 Voltage value set via keypad 100.0
P04.29 Voltage increase time 5.0
P04.30 Voltage decrease time 5.0
P04.31 Output maximum voltage 100.0
P04.32 Output minimum voltage 0.0
P04.33 Reserved ****
P04.34 Reserved ****
P04.35 Reserved ****

P05, Configurazione ingressi
P05.00 HDI input type selection 0
P05.01 S1 terminal function selection 1
P05.02 S2 terminal function selection 4
P05.03 S3 terminal function selection 7
P05.04 S4 terminal function selection 0
P05.05 Reserved ****
P05.06 Reserved ****
P05.07 Reserved ****
P05.08 Reserved ****
P05.09 HDI terminal function selection 0
P05.10 Input terminal polarity selection 0x0000
P05.11 Digital filter time 10
P05.12 Virtual terminal setting 0x0000
P05.13 Terminal control running mode 0
P05.14 S1 terminal close delay time 0
P05.15 S1 terminal open delay time 0
P05.16 S2 terminal close delay time 0
P05.17 S2 terminal open delay time 0
P05.18 S3 terminal close delay time 0
P05.19 S3 terminal open delay time 0
P05.20 S4 terminal close delay time 0
P05.21 S4 terminal open delay time 0
P05.22 S5 terminal close delay time 0
P05.23 S5 terminal open delay time 0
P05.24 S6 terminal close delay time 0
P05.25 S6 terminal open delay time 0
P05.26 S7 terminal close delay time 0
P05.27 S7 terminal open delay time 0
P05.28 S8 terminal close delay time 0
P05.29 S8 terminal open delay time 0
P05.30 HDI terminal close delay time 0
P05.31 HDI terminal open delay time 0
P05.32 Lower limit value of AI1 0.00
P05.33 Corresponding setting of AI1 lower limit 0.0
P05.34 Upper limit value of AI1 10.00
P05.35 Corresponding setting of AI1 upper limit 100.0
P05.36 AI1 input filter time 100
P05.37 Lower limit value of AI2 0.00
P05.38 Corresponding setting of AI2 lower limit 0.0
P05.39 Upper limit value of AI2 10.00
P05.40 Corresponding setting of AI2 upper limit 100.0
P05.41 AI2 input filter time 100
P05.42 Lower limit value of AI3 -10.00
P05.43 Corresponding setting of AI3 lower limit -100.0
P05.44 Intermediate value of AI3 0.00
P05.45 Corresponding setting of AI3 intermediate value 0.0
P05.46 Upper limit value of AI3 10.00
P05.47 Corresponding setting of AI3 upper limit 100.0
P05.48 AI3 input filter time 100
P05.49 Reserved ****
P05.50 Lower limit frequency of HDI1 0.00
P05.51 Corresponding setting of HDI1 lower limit frequency 0.0
P05.52 Upper limit frequency of HDI1 500.00
P05.53 Corresponding setting of HDI1 upper limit frequency 100.0
P05.54 HDI1 frequency input filter time 100

P06, Configurazione uscite
P06.00 Reserved ****
P06.01 Y1 output selection 27
P06.02 HDO output 0
P06.03 Relay RO1 output selection 1
P06.04 Relay RO2 output selection 5
P06.05 Output terminal polarity selection 0x0000
P06.06 Y1 switch-on delay time 0
P06.07 Y1 switch-off delay time 0
P06.08 Reserved ****
P06.09 Reserved ****
P06.10 Relay RO1 delay time 0
P06.11 Relay RO1 switch-off delay time 0
P06.12 Relay RO1 delay time 0
P06.13 Relay RO2 switch-off delay time 0
P06.14 AO1 output selection 0
P06.15 AO2 output selection 0
P06.16 Reserved ****
P06.17 Lower limit of AO1 output 0.0
P06.18 Corresponding AO1 output of lower limit 0.00
P06.19 Upper limit of AO1 output 100.0
P06.20 Corresponding AO1 output of upper limit 10.00
P06.21 Output filter time of AO1 0
P06.22 Lower limit of AO2 output 0.0
P06.23 Corresponding AO2 output of lower limit 0.00
P06.24 Upper limit of AO2 output 100.0
P06.25 Corresponding AO2 output of upper limit 10.00
P06.26 AO2 output filter time 0
P06.27 Reserved ****
P06.28 Reserved ****
P06.29 Reserved ****
P06.30 Reserved ****
P06.31 Reserved ****

P07, Configurazione HMI
P07.00 User password ****
P07.01 Function parameter copy 0
P07.02 QUICK/JOG key function selection 0x0001
P07.03 QUICK key running command channel switching sequence selection 0
P07.04 STOP/RST key stop function selection 0
P07.05 Parameter selection 1 of running state display 0x03FF
P07.06 Parameter selection 1 of running state display 0x0000
P07.07 Parameter selection of stop state display 0x00FF
P07.08 Frequency display coefficient 1.00
P07.09 Speed display coefficient 100.0
P07.10 Linear speed display coefficient 1.0
P07.11 Rectifier bridge module temperature 35.9
P07.12 Inverter module temperature 35.9
P07.13 Control board software version 101.12
P07.14 Accumulated running time 8
P07.15 High bit of inverter power consumption 0
P07.16 Low bit of inverter power consumption 0.0
P07.17 Reserved ****
P07.18 Rated inverter power 0.4
P07.19 Rated inverter voltage 230
P07.20 Rated inverter current 2.5
P07.21 Factory barcode 1 0x0006
P07.22 Factory barcode 2 0x000F
P07.23 Factory barcode 3 0x0197
P07.24 Factory barcode 4 0x0002
P07.25 Factory barcode 5 0x3213
P07.26 Factory barcode 6 0x1928
P07.27 Present fault type 0
P07.28 The last fault type 0
P07.29 The last but one fault type 0
P07.30 The last but two fault type 0
P07.31 The last but three fault type 0
P07.32 The last but four fault type 0
P07.33 Running frequency of present fault 0.00
P07.34 Ramps reference frequency of present fault 0.00
P07.35 Output voltage of present fault 0
P07.36 Output current of present fault 0.0
P07.37 Bus voltage of present fault 0.0
P07.38 Max temperature of present fault 0.0
P07.39 Input terminals state of present fault 0
P07.40 Output terminals state of present fault 0
P07.41 Running frequency of the last fault 0.00
P07.42 Ramps reference frequency of the last fault 0.00
P07.43 Output voltage of the last fault 0
P07.44 Output current of the last fault 0.0
P07.45 Bus voltage of the last fault 0.0
P07.46 Max temperature of the last fault 0.0
P07.47 Input terminals state of the last fault 0
P07.48 Output terminals state of the last fault 0
P07.49 Running frequency of the last but one fault 0.00
P07.50 Ramp reference frequency of last but one fault 0.00
P07.51 Output voltage of the last but one fault 0
P07.52 Output current of the last but one fault 0.0
P07.53 Bus voltage of the last but one fault 0.0
P07.54 Max temperature of the last but one fault 0.0
P07.55 Input terminals state of the last but one fault 0
P07.56 Output terminals state of the last but one fault 0

P08, Funzioni avanzate
P08.00 Acc time 2 10.0
P08.01 Dec time 2 10.0
P08.02 Acc time 3 10.0
P08.03 Dec time 3 10.0
P08.04 Acc time 4 10.0
P08.05 Dec time 4 10.0
P08.06 Jog running frequency 5.00
P08.07 Jog running acc time 10.0
P08.08 Jog running dec time 10.0
P08.09 Jump frequency 1 0.00
P08.10 Jump frequency amplitude 1 0.00
P08.11 Jump frequency 2 0.00
P08.12 Jump frequency amplitude 2 0.00
P08.13 Jump frequency 3 0.00
P08.14 Jump frequency amplitude 3 0.00
P08.15 Wobbling frequency amplitude 0.0
P08.16 Jump frequency amplitude 0.0
P08.17 Wobbling frequency rising time 5.0
P08.18 Wobbling frequency descending time 5.0
P08.19 Reserved ****
P08.20 Reserved ****
P08.21 Reserved ****
P08.22 Reserved ****
P08.23 Reserved ****
P08.24 Reserved ****
P08.25 Set counting value 0
P08.26 Designate counting value 0
P08.27 Set running time 0
P08.28 Fault auto reset times 0
P08.29 Interval time of automatic fault reset 1.0
P08.30 Drop control frequency declining rate 0.00
P08.31 Reserved ****
P08.32 FDT1 level detection value 50.00
P08.33 FDT1 lag detection value 5.0
P08.34 FDT2 level detection value 50.00
P08.35 FDT2 lag detection value 5.0
P08.36 Detection value when frequency is reached 0.00
P08.37 Energy consumption brake enable 0
P08.38 Energy consumption brake threshold voltage 380.0
P08.39 Cooling fan running mode 0
P08.40 PWM selection 0x0001
P08.41 Over-modulation selection 0x0000
P08.42 Keypad digital control setting 0x0000
P08.43 Integral speed ratio of keypad analog potentiometer 0.10
P08.44 UP/DOWN terminals control setting 0x0000
P08.45 UP terminals frequency increment integral speed ratio 0.50
P08.46 DOWN terminals frequency decrement integral speed ratio 0.50
P08.47 Action at frequency setting power off 0x0000
P08.48 High bit of original power consumption value 0
P08.49 Low bit of original power consumption value 0.0
P08.50 Flux brake coefficient 0
P08.51 Input power factor of the inverter 0.56

P09, Configurazione PID
P09.00 PID reference source selection 0
P09.01 Keypad preset PID reference 0.0
P09.02 PID feedback source selection 0
P09.03 PID output feature selection 0
P09.04 Proportional gain (Kp) 1.00
P09.05 Integral time (Ti) 0.10
P09.06 Differential time (Td) 0.00
P09.07 Sampling cycle (T) 100
P09.08 PID control deviation limit 0.0
P09.09 Upper limit value of PID output 100.0
P09.10 Lower limit value of PID output 0.0
P09.11 Feedback offline detection value 0.0
P09.12 Feedback offline detection time 1.0
P09.13 PID adjustment selection 0x0001
P09.14 Low frequency proportional gain (Kp) 1.00
P09.15 PID command acc/dec time 0.0
P09.16 PID output filter time 0

P10, Configurazione PLC
P8.00 Simple PLC mode 0
P8.01 Simple PLC memory selection 0
P8.02 Multi-step speed 0 0.0
P8.03 Running time of step 0 0.0
P8.04 Multi-step speed 1 0.0
P8.05 Running time of step 1 0.0
P8.06 Multi-step speed 2 0.0
P8.07 Running time of step 2 0.0
P8.08 Multi-step speed 3 0.0
P8.09 Running time of step 3 0.0
P8.10 Multi-step speed 4 0.0
P8.11 Running time of step 4 0.0
P8.12 Multi-step speed 5 0.0
P8.13 Running time of step 5 0.0
P8.14 Multi-step speed 6 0.0
P8.15 Running time of step 6 0.0
P8.16 Multi-step speed 7 0.0
P8.17 Running time of step 7 0.0
P8.18 Multi-step speed 8 0.0
P8.19 Running time of step 8 0.0
P8.20 Multi-step speed 9 0.0
P8.21 Running time of step 9 0.0
P8.22 Multi-step speed 10 0.0
P8.23 Running time of step 10 0.0
P8.24 Multi-step speed 11 0.0
P8.25 Running time of step 11 0.0
P8.26 Multi-step speed 12 0.0
P8.27 Running time of step 12 0.0
P8.28 Multi-step speed 13 0.0
P8.29 Running time of step 13 0.0
P8.30 Multi-step speed 14 0.0
P8.31 Running time of step 14 0.0
P8.32 Multi-step speed 15 0.0
P8.33 Running time of step 15 0.0
P8.34 Simple PLC 0 – 7th step acc/dec time selection 0x0000
P8.35 Simple PLC 8 – 15th step acc/dec time selection 0x0000
P8.36 PLC restart mode 0
P8.37 Multi-step time unit selection 0

P11, Protezioni
P11.00 Phase loss protection 0x0010
P11.01 Frequency-drop at sudden power loss 0.00
P11.02 Frequency-drop ratio at sudden power loss 10.00
P11.03 Overvoltage stall protection 1
P11.04 Overvoltage stall protective voltage 120
P11.05 Current limit action 0x0001
P11.06 Automatic current limit level 160.0
P11.07 Frequency-drop rate during current limit 10.00
P11.08 Over/under-load pre-alarm of motor/inverter 0x0000
P11.09 Overload pre-alarm detection level 150
P11.10 Overload pre-alarm detection time 1.0
P11.11 Underload pre-alarm detection level 50
P11.12 Underload pre-alarm detection time 1.0
P11.13 Output terminal action selection during fault 0x0000
P11.14 Speed deviation detection value 10.0
P11.15 Speed deviation detection time 0.5
P11.16 Extension function selection 0x0000

P13, Motore sincrono
P13.00 Reserved ****
P13.01 Reserved ****
P13.02 Reserved ****
P13.03 Reserved ****
P13.04 Reserved ****
P13.05 Reserved ****
P13.06 Reserved ****
P13.07 Reserved ****
P13.08 Reserved ****
P13.09 Reserved ****
P13.10 Reserved ****
P13.11 Reserved ****
P13.12 Reserved ****
P13.13 Short circuit brake current 0.0
P13.14 Hold time of short circuit brake at start 0.00
P13.15 Hold time of short circuit brake at stop 0.00

P14, Comunicazione seriale
P14.00 local communication address 1
P14.01 Communication baud rate setting 4: 19200Bps
P14.02 Data bit check setup 1: Even parity check (E, 8, 1)
P14.03 Communication response delay 5
P14.04 Communication overtime fault time 0.0
P14.05 Transmission error processing 0
P14.06 Communication processing action selection 0x0000
P14.07 Reserved ****
P14.08 Reserved ****

P24, Alimentazione
P24.00 Water supply selectio 0
P24.01 Press Feedback source 0
P24.02 Hibernation check 0
P24.03 Starting frequency of the hibernation 10.00
P24.04 Starting pressure of hibernation 2.5
P24.05 Hibernation delay time 5.0
P24.06 Hibernation awake 0
P24.07 Awake frequency 20.00
P24.08 Setting value of hibernation awake 2.0
P24.09 Mini hibernation time 0.1
P24.10 Valid auxiliary motor 0
P24.11 Start delay time of auxiliary motor 1 5.0
P24.12 Start delay time of auxiliary motor 2 5.0
P24.13 Pressure bias of hibernation awake 0
P24.14 Display decimal point number 0
P24.15 Dormancy start pressure 1 50.0
P24.16 Set value of dormancy wake-up pressure 1 10.0
P24.17 Dormancy wake-up pressure bias 1 2.0
P24.18 PID given maximum value 100.0
P24.19 Goes into dormancy delay time 2.0
P24.20 Unit selection 0: BAR
P24.21 Stop delay time of auxiliary motor 1 5.0
P24.22 Stop delay time of auxiliary motor 2 5.0
P24.23 Dormancy wake-up delay 0.0
P24.24 Delay time of PID disconnection detection when starting feedback pressure value is 0 300.0

P29, Generali
P29.00 Factory password ****
P29.01 Inverter voltage class 0: 380VAC
P29.02 Inverter power class Unknown
P29.03 Inverter power ****
P29.04 Rated inverter voltage ****
P29.05 Rated inverter current ****
P29.06 Deadzone time ****
P29.07 Software overvoltage point ****
P29.08 Software undervoltage point ****
P29.09 Software overcurrent point 220.0
P29.10 Input voltage correction coefficient 100.0
P29.11 Input current correction coefficient 100.0
P29.12 Factory set time 0

Trasferimento parametri

Terminata la parametrizzazione dell'inverter utilizzando la tastiera esterna con funzione di copia parametri, è possibile trasferire i parametri da un inverter ad un altro.
  • Connettere la tastiera all'inverter da cui leggere i parametri, la connessione può essere eseguita anche con sistema acceso.
  • Settare P07.01=1, sul display compare la scritta -UP- lampeggiante e tutti i parametri dell'inverter sono trasferiti nella tastiera.
  • Connettere la tastiera all'inverter su cui trasferire i parametri, la connessione può essere eseguita anche con sistema acceso.
  • Settare P07.01=2, sul display lampeggia -dn1-, sono trasferiti all'inverter tutti i parametri.
  • Settare P07.01=3, sul display lampeggia -dn2-, sono trasferiti all'inverter tutti i parametri esclusi i parametri motore P02 e P12.
  • Settare P07.01=4, sul display lampeggia -dn3-, sono trasferiti all'inverter solo i parametri motore P02 e P12.

Programma INVT Studio

Molto più pratico della tastiera per l'impostazione ed il trasferimento dei parametri è il programma INVT Studio, scaricabile dal ns sito, si connette all'inverter con una connessione seriale RS485, se non disponete di questa interfaccia sul Vs PC potete utilizzare il convertitore USB-RS485 ATC-820. Il programma permette di leggere, modificare e salvare su disco il valore dei parametri dell'inverter.

Eseguendo il programma occorre creare un nuovo progetto, definire il tipo di inverter a cui ci si connette (GD20-EU), il nodo Modbus (Parametro P14.00, default 1) ed i parametri di comunicazione (Parametri P14.01 e P14.02, default 19200, e, 8, 1). Eseguita la connessione verranno visualizzati tutti i parametri e selezionando il parametro interessato sarà possibile modificare il valore. Il valore modificato diventa permanente nell'inveter che lo memorizza.